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Jacksonville Beach

In mid-September we spent a pleasant afternoon at Jacksonville Beach which stretches for about four miles along the Atlantic Ocean. Taking Exit 51 from I-295 East Beltway in Jacksonville, we followed Beach Boulevard to Ocean Front where we parked and strolled on the beach. Then we headed north on Ocean Front, passing several access points before arriving at the pier. The pier is a great place for fishing and a variety of activities throughout the year. Parking is plentiful along Ocean Front North as are restaurants and shops. Bathrooms are provided for beachgoers, and Lifeguards are stationed on the beach.

Sign for Jacksonville Beach and the Pier
View of the Pier from a Beach access point
Looking South along the Jax Beach Boardwalk
Beach with Sea Oats in foreground
Jacksonville Beach looking South
Birds in front of Atlantic Ocean
Jacksonille Beach looking North
Cruise Ship heading out for another voyage



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