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Blue Spring State Park

Blue Spring State Park would be a beautiful place to spend the day anytime of the year, but during the winter months, it has some special guests worth visiting. Manatees find the water’s 73 degree temperature inviting. If you’ve only seen manatees in captivity, seeing them in the wild is spectacular. Well maintained boardwalks lead to the spring. Overlooks afford an up-close view along the length of Blue Run as it flows into the nearby Saint John's River. Pause to observe manatee pods or enjoy the lush scenery. Tour the Thursby house built in the 1870s by Louis Thursby. After strolling along the run, have a picnic while the children play on the playground then take a boat tour of the St. John’s River.

Entrance Sign
Picnic Area
Picnic Area with Playground
Visitors Center
Boardwalk to Spring & Overlooks
Blue Spring
Blue Spring Run
Thursby House
Thursby House Inside
Pod of Manatees
Manatee Swimming
Fish Swimming
Birds and Turtles
River Cruise Boats
Blue Spring Run meets the St. John's River Here


Official Website